James Allen with Nanny's Pups

We are pickers…

The moniker of a “Picker” was chosen by James Allen instead of Antique Dealer because the term picker is a bit pejorative, a shortened “garbage picker”. Someone who looks for useful things in the garbage on the curb. Although we have acquired interesting things found in dumpsters and on curbs, mostly we buy from people like you. We’re not bargain hunters; we want to pay you well for something great. In our experience this, proposition is the best for everyone. And creates long lasting rewarding relationships between buyers and sellers.

Southern Picker Antiques, LLC. We are located in Darien, GA, between Savannah, GA and Jacksonville, FL. James Allen is an author and picker. He buys and sells historical ephemera, antiques, art, and collectibles primarily from the southeast United States. He is the author and collector of Without Sanctuary: Lynching Photography in America.